No Exit Zines

School Project turned Personal Project

No Exit began as a second year printmaking class project at Alberta University of the Arts. The first edition, “Downsides of Rural Living”, focused on the troubles connected to living in rural Canada through statistics. The zine included ink and pencil drawings paired with collage.

In my third year printmaking class, I wanted to continue exploring these issues, and created the second edition, “Stories of Rural Life in Alberta”. Instead of statistics, I worked with the stories of 12 individuals from across the province. Each story is paired with a related image produced by linocut printmaking. “No Exit: Stories of Rural Life in Alberta” was featured in Alberta University of the Art’s Marion Nicoll Gallery and Galerie Gaulin, Loft 112 in Calgary, AB, and Leighton Art Centre in Millarville, AB. The full zine can be read here.

I am currently collecting stories for a third edition of No Exit. More information can be found here.




On the Farm